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Resolving Internal Scar Tissue
Internal scar tissue is scar tissue which forms inside the body. You may also hear internal scar tissue referred to as internal adhesions or just adhesions. Depending on where a scar forms, it may present no medical problems, or it may lead to serious health issues. For severe adhesions, patients may require surgery.

Scars are the body's response to injury. When the body is injured, it attempts to repair the injured site as quickly as possible. With a mild injury, the body may be able to restore the tissue to its previous state. More commonly, the tissue is replaced with an inferior barrier of scar tissue which cannot fully replace the missing tissue. Scars are often poorly supplied with blood, which is why they appear more pale than the surrounding tissue.

Inside the body, internal scar tissue forms as a result of trauma. Surgery is a common cause of adhesions, and they can also be the result of heart attacks, which cause scarring of the heart muscle, along with severe injuries like torn muscles and ligaments. Inflammatory disease can also cause internal scar tissue. In some instances, internal scar tissue goes unnoticed by its owner, illustrating the body's ability to repair itself fairly neatly when it is in good health. Learn More
Many healthcare professionals have found that Internal Scar Tissue can be eliminated with sustained results. With their innovative treatment approaches, they have helped patients to resolve their Internal Scar effectively in a short period of time.
The healthcare professionals listed here have published their case studies. You can contact them for help or contact us for doctors near you.
List of healthcare professionals who have published clinical studies and provide treatment for Internal Scars:
United States
Nancy Stern, DC Albuquerque, 87114
Successful Treatment of Carpel Tunnel Symptoms
Bruce Mounsey, DC, RN Round Rock, 78681
Successful Treatment of Permanent Beck and Neck Problems Caused by Job Injury
Donna F. Smith, ND, PhD, CCN Wichita Falls, 76310
Successful Treatment for Knee Degeneration and Prevention of Knee Replacement Surgery
Chrisenia White, ND, DC, LAC, LDN Farifax, 22030
Successful Resolution of Scar Tissue and Nerve Constriction in Right Hand
Mary Routenburg, RTCM, RAC Woodstock, N4S 7V7
Successful Treatment of Infertility