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Stephen Lippmann, MS, LAc, Dipl. Ac.
AcuBalance Acupuncture, PLLC
111 N. Central Avenue Suite 403
Hartsdale, NY 10530 United States
Successful Pain Management for Patient with Need for Hip Replacement
A male patient, age 55, contacted Dr. Lippmann for pain management support in 2006 to delay right hip replacement surgery. He was not local (lived in upstate NY). His pain level varied between 4 and 8 out of 10.

Dr. Lippmann identified a local acupuncturist for collaboration on-site. He advised to use extra large WHITEE patches on the right hip. The patches were applied for a total of more than one year. They successfully reduced the pain and increased the patients mobility. The hip replacement was finally done after 1.5 years.
Bussiness Hours: Mo-Fri (8AM-6PM) and Sat (9AM-12PM); other hours by appointment only
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: depends on the treatment plan and insurance
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