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Art Copes, Naturopathy
Bio Wellness Center
(225) 747-0119
12812 Coursey Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70816 United States
GI Parasites and Liver/Kidney Assistance
A 64 year old male patient went through a comprehensive wellness assessment conducted by Dr. Copes at the Bio Wellness Center. This involved a clinical examination, blood analysis, and urinalysis. Based on those findings Dr. Copes put together a wellness plan which included a customized nutrition plan, Wei herbal supplements, BEMER therapy, and a workout plan to help the patient achieve total health and wellness.
Notable improvements after 4 months of following the wellness plan include: improved kidney function (increased GFR, decreased BUN and creatinine), weight loss, increased energy, reducted total cholesterol levels, and elimination of all GI symptoms.
During the first visit the patient had their first blood panel done, and Dr. Copes determined that the primary areas to address were the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidney. It was also decided that the anemia had to be addressed as well. Dr. Copes recommended Wei Lab herbal formulas Brown, Levera, LC Balancer, Gallbladder Formula, Xcel, Paramin, Ostenin, Anemic Formula, PA, and B-2.
- Brown: improves liver health and repairs liver damage.
- Levera: helps remove heat toxins from the liver and clears liver inflammation or infections.
- LC Balancer: nurtures kidney Yin. It helps enhance microcirculation by improving micro capillary structure. It helps resolve conditions caused by poor microcirculation and enhance treatment results when combined with other Wei formulas.
- Gallbladder Formula: reduces gallbladder inflammation, increases liver and gallbladder contraction, and relaxes the bile duct
- Xcel: improves adrenal gland and kidney function, and helps with the kidney's filtration and balancing of minerals.
- Paramin: warms up the bile duct. It also expels parasites from the bile duct, reduces bile duct inflammation, and reverses bile duct degeneration.
- Ostenin: helps clear bone mycobacterial infections.
- Anemic Formula: improves blood cell production including red blood cells by the bone marrow.
- PA: clears inflammation and infections in the pancreas, duodenum, and small intestine.
- B-2: improves the efficiency of the collecting terminals of the lymphatic vessels and enhance lymph recycling from the tissues.
During the second visit Dr. Copes had decided it was time to focus on parasites. His recommendation consisted of Probiosis, Silver, Whitehead, Spring Capsule, Spring Juice (SJ), Formula B, Colomycin, Helmin, Detocin, and Peritonin.
- Probiosis: removes heat from the GI tract and reduces intestinal inflammation by suppressing and inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, or virus in the gut.
- Silver: clears infections in the appendix and colon.
- Whitehead: clears bacterial infections in the rectum and large intestine. It also helps clear protozoan infection in the intestine.
- Spring Capsule: improves stomach blood supply and contractions.
- Spring Juice: repairs structural damage and degeneration to the stomach and esophageal lining.
- Formula B: helps open the pyloric sphincter of the stomach and enhance intestinal muscle contractions.
- Colomycin: helps clear mycobacterial infection of the colon.
- Helmin: helps clear intestinal parasites of the helminth family including flat worms and round worms.
- Detocin: clears protozoa infections in the liver and kidneys.
- Protomin: helps clear protozoa in the bile duct.
- Peritonin: clears non‐ tuberculous mycobacteria infection in the peritoneal space including membranes that cover the inside of the abdomen and most of its organs.
During the third visit to the office, Dr. Copes focused again on the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidney. The recommended products were the same as the first visit with the addition of Soup A and Qi Booster. Soup A nurtures Lung Yin and helps repair lung damage and restore lung structure and function by activating tissue specific biosynthesis of cellular components in the alveoli (air sacs) and bronchioles. Qi Booster enhances the immune system function to fight infections.
On the last visit, the 2nd blood panel was done and revealed that the patient needed to address parasites again and to continue using the products that addressed the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidney. The recommendation by Dr. Copes included Prostate, Prostate-2, LC Balancer, Formula C, Xcel, KS, Gallbladder Formula, Levera, Brown, Paramin, B-2, Probiosis, PA, Thyrocin, Ostenin, and Anemic Formula.
- Prostate: clears prostate inflammation.
- Prostate-2: clears prostate gram-negative bacterial infections.
- KS: clears inflammation and infection of the kidneys.
- Thyrocin: clears mycobacterial infections from the thyroid gland.
Currently, the patient is extremely satisfied with his progress, stating this is the best he has felt in decades. He is continuing to follow the wellness plan outlined by Dr. Copes to maintain his state of health. The patient also noted that he no longer needs laxatives and no longer needs sleeping pills.
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