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Holly Horan, LAc/MT
Energy Balance
4311 Perth Line 20
RR2 St.Pauls , ON N0K1V0 Canada
Successful Treatment for Hip Pain
Valerie is a 30 year old female. Her hobbies are exercising, running and yoga. She came to my clinic complaining of left sided Iliotibial band tightness and hip pain, which has been an ongoing occurrence throughout the years. She has tried many different therapies to gain relief, with little success.
She was very eager to try acupuncture as an alternative therapy to pain medication. I informed her that she would gain some relief by following our treatment plan.
After the very first treatment she was amazed at how much better she was feeling, and could not believe the range of motion that she now had in her hip.
Valerie has had continuous improvement throughout the remainder of the treatment plan, and is now sold on acupuncture as a therapy.
Bussiness Hours: Monday thru Friday
Phone Consulting: Yes
Fees Schedule: All treatments are billed by time: $70 - 60 Minutes, $45 - 30 Minutes
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RR2 St.Pauls ON,posterior hip pain RR2 St.Pauls ON,lateral hip pain RR2 St.Pauls ON,hip pain from running RR2 St.Pauls ON,osteoarthritis N0K1V0,bone-on-bone N0K1V0,osteo arthritis N0K1V0,osteo N0K1V0,joint replacement N0K1V0,knee osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis in knees N0K1V0,osteoarthritis knee N0K1V0,osteoarthritis in knee N0K1V0,osteoarthritis knees N0K1V0,osteoarthritis of knee joint N0K1V0,osteoarthritis of knee N0K1V0,osteoarthritis treatments N0K1V0,treatments for osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteo arthritis treatment N0K1V0,degenerative osteoarthritis N0K1V0,hip osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis hips N0K1V0,osteoarthritis of hip N0K1V0,osteoarthritis symptoms N0K1V0,symptoms osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis in hip N0K1V0,degenerative arthritis N0K1V0,arthritis osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis arthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis pain N0K1V0,pain osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis exercises N0K1V0,natural remedies for arthritis N0K1V0,psoriatic arthritis 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N0K1V0,osteoarthritis treatment N0K1V0,osteoporosis supplements N0K1V0,pain relief for osteoarthritis N0K1V0,definition of osteoarthritis N0K1V0,erosive osteoarthritis N0K1V0,signs of osteoarthritis N0K1V0,bone on bone osteoarthritis N0K1V0,bone-on-bone osteoarthritis N0K1V0,cure for osteoarthritis N0K1V0,cure osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis definition N0K1V0,osteoarthritis foot N0K1V0,osteoarthritis in fingers N0K1V0,osteoarthritis of the thumb N0K1V0,osteoarthritis thumb N0K1V0,help for osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis help N0K1V0,osteoarthritis medications N0K1V0,osteoarthritis pictures N0K1V0,tricompartmental osteoarthritis N0K1V0,hip osteoarthritis exercises N0K1V0,knee brace osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis knee brace N0K1V0,osteoarthritis knee symptoms N0K1V0,osteoarthritis hip exercises N0K1V0,osteoarthritis supplements N0K1V0,canine osteoarthritis N0K1V0,facet osteoarthritis N0K1V0,lumbar osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis in dogs N0K1V0,primary osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis natural N0K1V0,osteoarthritis feet N0K1V0,advanced osteoarthritis N0K1V0,elbow osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis elbow N0K1V0,treating osteoarthritis N0K1V0,natural treatment osteoarthritis N0K1V0,what causes arthritis N0K1V0,equine osteoarthritis N0K1V0,facet joint osteoarthritis N0K1V0,osteoarthritis remedy N0K1V0,hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain symptoms N0K1V0,right hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain when walking N0K1V0,hip pain running N0K1V0,severe hip pain N0K1V0,hip joint pain N0K1V0,causes of hip pain N0K1V0,left hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain causes N0K1V0,sciatica hip pain N0K1V0,back and hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain relief N0K1V0,hip pain at night N0K1V0,outer hip pain N0K1V0,chronic hip pain N0K1V0,back hip pain N0K1V0,upper hip pain N0K1V0,lower back and hip pain N0K1V0,exercises for hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain after sitting N0K1V0,hip pain treatment N0K1V0,hip pain while sleeping N0K1V0,hip pain exercises N0K1V0,what causes hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain when sitting N0K1V0,hip pains N0K1V0,hip and leg pain N0K1V0,hip joint pain causes N0K1V0,bilateral hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain pregnancy N0K1V0,leg and hip pain N0K1V0,treatment for hip pain N0K1V0,knee and hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain diagnosis N0K1V0,hip muscle pain N0K1V0,hip flexor pain N0K1V0,hip and knee pain N0K1V0,hip bone pain N0K1V0,cause of hip pain N0K1V0,lower hip pain N0K1V0,exercise for hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain after running N0K1V0,hip and back pain N0K1V0,hip pain during pregnancy N0K1V0,arthritis hip pain N0K1V0,hip and groin pain N0K1V0,posterior hip pain N0K1V0,lateral hip pain N0K1V0,hip pain from running N0K1V0