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Accelerated Healing of a Rib Fracture
A rib fracture is a break in a rib bone. Bruised muscles and ligaments often happen with a rib fracture. More seriously, the lungs and other organs can be injured too. More than one rib fracture after a trauma can indicate serious internal injury and multiple rib fractures could damage the lungs. Learn More
Many healthcare professionals have found that the healing of Rib Fracture can be accelerated. With their innovative treatment approaches, they have helped patients to heal their Rib Fracture effectively in 2 weeks.
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The healthcare professionals listed here have published their case studies. You can contact them for help or contact us for doctors near you.
List of healthcare professionals who have published clinical studies and provide treatment for Rib Fractures:
United States
Joseph Bogart, DC Parkland, 33067
Successful Treatment of 2 Fractured Ribs
Carla Miller, DC East Orange, 07019
Successful Treatment of a Rib Fracture
Celeste Mattia, DC ELKINS PARK, 19027
Successful Herbal Treatment of Rib Fracture
Dean Bull, DC Erie, 16509
Successful Treatment of a Rib Fracture
Salvatore & Cynthia Mignano, DC Charleston, 29412
Successful Treatment of Hairline Rib Fracture
Marion Constantinides, DC Virginia Beach, 23452
Successful Treatment of a Rib Fracture