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What is Menopause?
Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period.

Menopause is a natural biological process, not a medical illness. Even so, the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can disrupt your sleep, sap your energy and, at least indirectly, trigger feelings of sadness and loss.

Even though menopause is not a disease, you shouldn't hesitate to seek treatment for severe symptoms. Many effective treatments are available, from lifestyle adjustments to hormone therapy. Learn More
Many healthcare professionals have found that Menopause symptoms can be eliminated with sustained results. With their innovative treatment approaches, patients can experience symptom elimination in 2 weeks to 1 month for mild and moderate conditions.
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The healthcare professionals listed here have published their case studies. You can contact them for help or contact us for doctors near you.
List of healthcare professionals who have published clinical studies and provide treatment for Menopause:
United States
Rita Roberts, M.A., C.C.N. Wellesley, 02482
Fibromyalgia, Weight Gain, Hot Flashes Resolved
Gary Cools, DC Ludington, 49431
Successful Treatment of Menopause Symptoms
Isis van Loon , Naturopathic Medicine New Westminster, V3L3B1
Successful Treatment of Hot Flashes, Poor Sleep, and Stress